Sunday, 7 August 2011

Blog 5- 7.8.11 Hospital admission

Thank you for continuing to read the blog and things have really happened this week! We had the unexpected blood transfusion on Thursday, the arrival of my mum and dad on Thursday evening and then the admission of Charlie into hospital on Friday. We certainly dont lead a boring life (nothing wrong with boring I say)!

Since the last blog we have continued to enjoy the glorious Australian weather and had a few fun trips to the park but have still kept Charlie away from playgroup and places where there are lots of people in the hope of him staying bug free.

The consultant confidently told me last week,after a full on day in the hospital that this weeks treatment would be quick. Oh how wrong was she! We arrived at the hospital (not very well prepared for a full day there to be honest) and expected to be 4 hours max. Unfortunately for us Charlie's red blood counts were low and a blood transfusion was needed so we were there 10 hours and exhausted after it. Charlie had his chemo and blood transfusion and was so excited that he was having chips (yet again) for dinner. Only on the way home, the chemo obviously had other ideas and he was sick all over himself in the car. As the sick is toxic due to chemo being present, the rubber gloves came out even before he could be lifted from his sick filled seat for a cuddle and clean up. He was shattered and as pale as a sheet to say he'd just had a transfusion-normally he is instantly re-energized but not on this occassion. The chip dinner never happened and he was given anti-sickness medicine and put to bed to rest.

Thursday evening Thomas,Paul and myself all jumped in the car and excitedly drove to the airport (Michael kindly babysat). We thought we'd timed it well to park the car and surprise my folks with the fact Thomas was with us but they were already through customs and waiting outside for us. The big reunion was therefore reduced to a "quick,get in the car we're parked on the zebra crossing"! It was great to see them and Thomas was so excited by them eventually being here.

Friday morning and I could hear Thomas and Charlie playing with my parents which brought a tear(ok a flood of tears) to my eyes as I realised how close they were and also how much support we'd missed out on by being so far away. Thomas insisted that his grandma took him to school so off we went and he introduced her to his teacher in a very proud manner.
After the school drop off, one of the mums from school (who is a nurse) came round to administer Charlies leg injection of chemo which he wasnt too happy about but it saved the 2plus hour wait at the hospital Paul had to endure last week for each visit.

Charlie didnt seem his usual energetic self considering he'd just had a transfusion and as the day and evening progressed, his temperature steadily increased. I contacted the Children's cancer ward for advice and they said to take it again in 30 minutes and if it hadnt gone down, to call them back and take him to A&E whereby they would inform them we were on our way. I packed a bag and as his temperature was rising, we informed the ward and headed to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and Charlie asked "what we doing mummy" then started crying in absolute fear. We were welcomed by the Triage nurse who quickly showed us to a back room where the dr and nurses rushed around getting all the information they needed to treat him as quickly as they could-temperatures can be life threatening to children with cancer if they are not treated fast.Charlie was petrified.He had been plucked,fast asleep from his bed and rushed down to his worst place on earth so who can blame him. His temp was 39.6,he was screaming and the dr's were needling up his port, prodding and poking him and he cried out "I dont like it" over and over then said "mummy it hurts". His blood was taken to be cultured to see if there are any infections (this takes a few days for results) and he was quickly given antibiotics. He soon calmed down and was eventually transferred to a ward at 3am. Apparantly Paul fell asleep and the nurse had to wake him at 2.30 but Charlie was still sat there watching Thomas the Tank!

I drove home and not far from the hospital got stopped by police to have a breath test! Just to top my night off (I hadnt been drinking though I could've done with one)!

Charlie's temperature rose again Saturday morning but has now stabilized and we're hoping he's home on Tuesday-we actually thought it'd be earlier but I suppose they have to take all the precautions they can with him being so frail. Thomas has visited him a few times and really cheered him up. Hes read to him,brought drawings for him,played with him and made him laugh heaps more than me and Paul could. Charlie wanted to got to the hospital play room today but after only a few steps told me he was wobbly. Lifting him up and pulling his robot along we made it to the play room to find Thomas on the computer with his dad-like father like son hey! On Charlies return to his bed he requested bubbles which made him giggle so much. He is such a funny little boy with a great spirit and never moans and his attitude is what keeps us all going.

It hasnt been much of a holiday for mum and dad but they keep telling me that isnt why they came (only I'd hoped after mum experiencing how bad it was last time,we could have some fun).Once Charlie's home,things will pick up and we'll be out at the beach and parks exploring.All in good time though!

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