Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas with lots of celebrations.
I've had a bit of a reflective day today and knowing that Charlies treatment is nearing the end,I wanted to write a poem which encompassed some of the journey of the past 3 years.
I've had a bit of a reflective day today and knowing that Charlies treatment is nearing the end,I wanted to write a poem which encompassed some of the journey of the past 3 years.
We chose a life of sun and fun and what did we find?
Our little monkey Charlie had other
things in mind.

We moved from England to Australia only 3 weeks before.
A country in which I had never stepped
The virus that we thought he had, turned
out to be much worse,
This adventure we hoped to have, soon
felt like it was cursed.
If only we had known a month before
then we'd never flew!
The port was soon inserted and the treatment it did start,
Paul and me just sat and cried,it
really broke our heart.
Our little boy was soon to open our
eyes to a new world,
Of Dr's,nurses and the kindness which
I was humbled and too proud at times to
take on any support,
But soon realised it was crazy to not
accept the meals they brought.
With all we knew ten thousand miles
away, I started up a blog,
It helped me on those days I found to be a
really hard slog.
It can't be easy to see how much his
mummy cried and cried.
The worry,stress and upset that he has
Mustn't go noticed for that I have
School became the backbone to our new and obscure life,
School became the backbone to our new and obscure life,
To there we would turn to if we felt we
were in strife.
The friends we made along the way were
there through thick and thin,
I cant find the words to thank
them,just where would I begin?
The terminology we now know to what the
Dr's call,
The chemo,robot,roids and more, oh, who
wants to know them all?!
Captain chemo became our friend to who
would admit to this?
The surreal life we stepped into really
took the pi**!
It's been a hellish 3 years of that I
can admit,
We are getting through it with
determination and grit.
Charlie is the bravest child I have
ever known,
He has his chemo every day and needles
every week,
If that was me I know that I really
would freak!
They say that Cancer consumes your life
and this I must agree,
Though we have a lot of fun and laughs
to that I make a certainty.
That moving Down Under our life would
be flipped up too.
We're near the end of this nightmare
that of which we're hopeful,
The day will come again when we are not
so woeful.
The futures bright and rosy, of this I
only hope,
A parent staying positive is the only
way to cope.
It's still a long long journey but the
worst is almost done,
By Lisa Barratt