The past couple of months on the whole, have been very stressful for a number of reasons but things have certainly started to get back on track in the last couple of weeks-phew.
After enjoying some fantastic times with Mich,Tim,Isla and Niamh,we had a couple of weeks before our next visitors arrived in the form of my parents.Mum and dad had come over to spend the boys birthdays with them which was very magical for all of us.
Charlie's timing however,was impeccable and his blood counts nose dived shortly after mum and dad arrived which meant we were unable to fulfil many of the fun adventures we had planned for the school holidays. Thomas was a star and completely understood that his brother was unwell which resulted in his holiday plans changing. The duration of Charlies counts being low dragged on and after being primarily indoors for 4 weeks,I decided to take him for a little walk (in his buggy) whereby he managed to get a tick. This wasn't pleasant as it had embedded itself in his head and had a nice full tummy as a result of feasting on his blood (I'm not sure it chose the best blood to feed off to be honest)! A trip to A and E and it was soon removed and as expected,Charlie was so brave (I'd have been freaking out)! The following week,Charlie went back to Kindy and managed to pick up a lovely rash! This was particularly scary as Cancer and rashes just don't go together! Yet another trip to A and E and a very thorough check to ensure it was nothing serious.Over the next few days, the rash spread over his entire body,so it was time for another check up at A and E. All looked to be OK,although they weren't sure what the rash was. This all happened amongst his usual trips to the hospital for chemo and he still managed to be cheery.
Chemo(not A&E for a change) |
Heading ot the jetty to fish |
We were given the go ahead to enjoy our weekend trip so long as we had details of the local hospital to hand. The break was just what we all needed and what a great place!We had a jetty at the end of the garden where dad,Paul and the boys spent many hours fishing from and mum and Paul even spotted bull sharks! We visited the infamous Byron Bay, and had a lovely time exploring the local area.
All hands on deck |
Whilst on the beach,there were many 4x4 cars zooming by (which is common on designated beaches here). Paul decided to go and get our "new" car from the car park to try it out on the can see where this is going?! Well,needless to say 10 minutes later we saw Thomas running along the beach shouting to tell us daddy was stuck in the sand! After trying (and failing) to get the car out of the sand ourselves,with the car just sinking deeper into the sand with every
try,we managed to get a local to pull us out with his Ute. Hooray! I bet he was thinking "bloody Pomms"!
The boys sat watching daddy being rescued |
The same evening Paul and Tom went fishing in the dark. They took their lantern to the jetty and set up camp. An hour later Paul strolls in with a swollen hand and in a very calm voice says "Can you just check if this type of fish is venomous". It was venomous, but only slightly so off he trots back to his set up on the jetty. Half an hour passed and he comes in again and calmly asks me to go outside. I look to the left of the house and the whole length of next doors garden was on fire! Considering the bush fires were on the news all the time I was panicking! I ran inside and shouted to get out and ran upstairs to get Charlie from his bed. We couldn't find Paul anywhere! We're all set to drive off when he comes out from the dark to inform us that next door told him its sugar cane that they burn. OMG! Talk about an interesting day.We had a laugh about it and an extra wine to calm the nerves!
Daddys got the car stuck!! |
Thomas had his parents evening and we continue to hear that he is doing well. He has the usual challenges any 8 year old has (with a few added from home for good measure) but he still manages to come out of school with a beaming smile and a big hug for me each day.
We had to say our farewells to mum and dad and it had been a strange stay for them,I'm sure. Charlie not being well made me so stressed out so I can only imagine that they couldn't wait to get home! In all seriousness, mum has always been my rock (along with Paul of course) through this and I know she understood where I was coming from.
After having fun! |
Having fun! |
After a few more weeks of Charlies counts being low (with one week of recovery in between),it was beginning to get me down. Having a sick child for a week is hard,but it going on and on is emotionally shattering. I decided to let myself have a wallow and then soon pulled myself together. The positive vibes came out and I thought about what I needed for ME for a change. I decided to enquire about volunteering in Childcare next year, and also joined the local gym. It made me realise that I really have put my life on hold for the past 3 years (and rightly so) to care for my family. It also made me see that its OK for me to have time to do things for myself and I will be embracing this in 2014! (whilst the boys are at school of course,I wouldn't want to be too greedy)!
This last week was a little mad. We had some of Charlies little friends round for a BBQ on Saturday which was lovely.The kids had a great time (big and small) and I was expecting a quiet evening on Sunday only to be asked by my friend Jude, to go see the British band-Franz Ferdinand which was amazing! I then went out with friends for morning tea in Brisbane on Monday whereby (and Paul doesn't believe me) my shoe broke whilst I was in a shoe shop, so of course,I had to buy some new ones! (this is 100% true btw)!Although my dress didn't break so I have no excuse for purchasing that!
On Wednesday evening Paul and me went to see the comedian Michael McIntyre and he was hilarious!We had such a good night and Kate very kindly babysat for us.
Me and Jude (from nr York)! |
Charlie then had his prep transition day on Thursday which was to get him and the other children ready for starting school. He was fine spending the morning there, though very tired after just 2 hours (we'll see how he lasts 6 hours,5 days a week in January).
I attended my twice weekly bootcamp with Lori on Thursday evening, to get my mind and body focused and loved it-though I will admit,it was difficult to make myself go as I was shattered from all my socialising earlier in the week!That'll teach me for being a social butterfly.
Yesterday, Charlie and myself joined his Kindy friends for a trip to a beach just outside Brisbane called Bribie Island. Charlie got to interact with some sea creatures which had been brought along for the children to be educated on the local environment (sea stars,urchins,sea cucumbers,baby shark..).Charlie was very confident and spoke up a few times to input to the talk which was for me,AMAZING. It may sound silly,but as Charlie has interacted primarily with adults all his life up until this past year,seeing him so capable and confident makes me so proud of him.
Thomas has been our local superstar (well,in our eyes anyway)!If you hadn't heard,Thomas has been on an Australian TV show called Pipsqueaks. He isn't too bothered about seeing it but has now been on 4 episodes so of course we're super proud of the little man for interacting so well with the puppets!
This brings me to today. Well, Thomas and Paul have gone camping with a few lads and dads whilst me and Charlie catch up on some chores and rest (respectively)! Charlie has had a lovely week but is completely shattered. His counts are unfortunately still low but he's happy.